1.3 describe the functions of the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast and vacuole

Organelle: structure of part of a cell that serves a particular function

Function of organelles:

- Nucleus: controls main activities in cell
                 contains genes which control chemical reactions in cell by determining which enzymes cell makes

- Cytoplasm: where the cell carries out chemical reactions and stores nutrients

- Cell membrane: protects and keeps cell contents together - prevents cytoplasm from spilling out
                           selectively permeable- controls what enters and leaves the cell

- Vacuole: where sugars, minerals and other solubles are stored
                 keeps cell turgid

- Cell wall: protects and binds cell together
                 made of cellulose, a tough carbohydrate that is one of the many organic compounds plants make
                 freely permeable due to large holes, allows substances to enter and exit easily
                 withstands internal pressure
                 gives plant cells rigid shape

- Chloroplasts: contain chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis, a process in which plants                          make glucose, converting simple inorganic molecules such as water and carbon dioxide into                          complex, organic compounds such as glucose and oxygen.

- Mitochondria: cell's main energy producers, carry out chemical reactions to release energy
                         found in great numbers in cells which require lots of energy, e.g. muscle cells

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